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It’s all about trusting that there is love behind it >

NVC—mindful communication—begins with the intention to see humanity in each other

Can we gamify creativity based on values & needs?

How can I complain to my coworker in a way that doesn’t make us enemies?

How can we facilitate organizational change and stay connected?

How can I feel equal even though my manager has power over me?

How can I tell my partner I need space without making them feel responsible?

How do I express my anger without losing my sense of respect?

How can I make a request that isn’t a demand?

All this, we can learn!

I offer tailored trainings depending on your needs, and upon request. Anything goes: we can have a 3 hour training for your business team on honest and connecting feedback, a full day for several couples about requests, or 10x 30 minutes every week on smaller topics.

Trainings are possible in person or via Zoom.

1-on-1 work / empathic listening / coaching is also an option.

How would you like to grow?

Since 2020. I’ve given trainings for Holland & Barrett, Unilever, Relive, for various non-profits such as BLIJF Groep, and for the general public.

Curious if we’re a fit for your company?

I also have some courses on Insight Timer - this is a selection, more on I.T.!

Nonviolent Communication Level 3: Self-Connection, Guilt & The Organism

A Very Simple Guide To Set Up A Meditation Practice, For Beginning Buddhas

Connections That Work ~ Nonviolent Communication At The Office 1/3: The Basics


I give trainings to the general public, charities, and businesses. Among others, I have trained:

And currently I am assisting Daisy Delgado in training a humanitarian bank:

Awake In Your Relationships: 25 Key Differentiations Of Nonviolent Communication

Nonviolent Communication Level 4: Shame, Conflict And Defending Life

Connections That Work ~ Nonviolent Communication At The Office 2/3: Advanced (pipeline)

The Art Of Having Amazing Conversations

Nonviolent Communication Level 1: Meet The Consciousness Of NVC

Nonviolent Communication Level 5: Transforming Daily Obstacles Of Living NVC

Stop Social Media Addiction With Neuroscience, Compassion & Mindfulness

Connections That Work ~ Nonviolent Communication At The Office 3/3: Mastery (pipeline)

Hatha Yoga As A Path To Enlightenment (pending)

Having Amazing Relationships ~ The Essential Model Of Nonviolent Communication

Nonviolent Communication Level 2: Needs-Based Speaking With Self And Others

Nonviolent Communication Level 6: Language As Trauma & The Limits Of NVC

Create A Happy Life By Reprogramming Negative Self-Talk

Wake Up From The Language Trance That Is Your Mind

Transform Your Inner Critic With Radical Self-Compassion: The NVC Guilt Process

“The highest form of human intelligence is to observe without judgment”

— Jiddu Krishnamurti