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I hold space for your unique unfolding >
the magic of empathy >
Coaching Packages >
I use the highly transformative ‘Alētheia’ coaching method, as well as my Nonviolent Communication (NVC) skillset as integral part of the work. Alētheia uses Internal Family Systems (IFS) as well as other modalities such as Focusing to guide us to coherence, understanding and presence.
At depth, Alētheia comes from—and guides toward—’nondual’ presence. I’ve been developing my understanding and attunement towards nonduality since 2006, when I began studying phenomenology, and I’ve been deepening this awareness ever since; most recently under the guidance of Michael W. Taft. Check out my CV for more details. There is also more info on nonduality in my bio and homepage.
If you’d like to know more details about the method I use, you can check out the Alētheia website. Although relatively new to this method, I’ve found that my extensive NVC experience and space-holding skills translate very well into Alētheia coaching and working with parts (IFS). The feedback from clients I get has been overwhelmingly positive.
< the method
Track 1: The Obstacle Is The Path | 5x1h >
This package is optimal for unfolding current or recurring issues in life, relax habitual psychological tendencies that do not serve you, and for opening into and standing more fully in your power—with clarity, compassion and inner harmony. This is an ideal track if you want to for instance, re-evaluate your career, or are facing major life situations, choices, or crises.
Track 2: Awake In My Life | 10x1h >
This is the big one. This package is ideal for taking you into the depths of yourself, unfolding and harmonizing parts at odds with each other along the way, gaining a deep self-understanding, and becoming your own strongest ally in life. Take this option if you want to experience deep and lasting transformation. This track is intended for people with a serious dedication to living life to the fullest, being present with all that is around and inside of us, and to saying ‘yes!’ to life itself.
The tracks are a suggestion; we can always co-create special approaches that exactly match your current needs & wishes—you can also have a look at ‘other things we can do’ below to get an idea of my range of practice.
Inner Mediation using NVC
in this work we hold empathic space for inner tornness between parts, using spatial constellation to offer room for troubled inner voices
Deep Empathic Listening using NVC
a simple yet powerful modality of empathy, deep listening is a highly effective way of getting inner clarity, peace and understanding
as ancillary practice, we can also look which, if any, basic breathwork, asanas and/or meditation techniques work well for your develepment and self-connection
< other things we can do
To walk your path is to be self-connected. Empathic presence—being with whatever arises non-judgmentally and without a change agenda—is enormously liberating. This deeply compassionate approach means obstacles become a path forward. Our coaching sessions are confidential, constructive and often very meaningful.
In a session, we’ll stay close to your experience as I guide you from any inner fragmentation to coherent and harmonious presence. This work is powerful, and has reminded me in its depth of working with plant medicines.
I use the highly transformative ‘Alētheia’ coaching method, as well as my Nonviolent Communication (NVC) skillset as an integral part of the work. Alētheia uses Internal Family Systems (IFS) as well as other modalities such as Focusing, to guide us to coherence, self-understanding and presence.
The work is usually also quite pleasant for me; it feels a lot like meditating, as I am very present with your unfolding.
If you’re curious about a 1-on-1 session, either in person or online, send me a text or an e-mail, or call me. I offer 45m free ‘test’ sessions.