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10 January - 28 March 2025:

Awake In Your Relationships ~ Extended Introductory Course In Nonviolent Communication

Fridays | 11-part online introduction to NVC course (EN) - live via zoom

Are you ready to transform your life, one interaction at a time?

If you want to transform your relationships, I highly recommend learning the skills and tasting the consciousness of NVC. NVC brings awareness in what is typically unconscious, and compassion in what is often judged. This compassion and clarity is a recipe to see humanity in each other, to cultivate understanding and patience, and to start changing the world, one interaction at a time.

Ever since I came into contact with NVC some years ago, I have become more patient, more loving and more clear around what happens between us humans. I have been able to understand myself much better and have much more self-empathy. And I believe the world needs much more self-empathy and compassion between us all.

Will you join me?

This will be an extended, highly interactive introductory course into the principles and techniques of Nonviolent Communication, where you will learn the fundamental skills of listening, empathic connecting, reformulation, and other useful ways of connecting with other human beings. We'll also address topics of a deeper nature such as guilt, shame, and the underlying paradigm that influences our habitual way of communicating as compared to the worldview of Nonviolent Communication.

You will learn (concept topics list):

  1. Hearing another's anger (blame, criticism)

  2. Expressing & Hearing "no"

  3. Self-empathy when (a) stimulus is external and (b) stimulus is internal

  4. Mourning and learning from our regrets

  5. Screaming in Giraffe

  6. Interrupting

  7. Expressing gratitude

  8. Receiving gratitude

  9. Making conscious choices with awareness of needs

  10. Expressing an "apology"

  11. Resolving an inner conflict through Nonviolent Communication dialogue.

We will use breakout room exercises, journaling, meditation, group conversations and spontaneous inspiration to grow together into more understanding and compassionate human beings, becoming caring without being mushy, becoming clear without being fake. And let’s not forget to have some fun! So come check it out.

dates: 10 Jan – 17 Jan – 24 Jan – 31 Jan – 7 Feb – 21 Feb – 28 Feb – 7 Mar – 14 Mar – 21 Mar – 28 Mar (no session of 14 Feb)

time: 19:00-21:30 CET

price: a sliding scale €250-500 based on your choice and income (if you are unable to pay, reach out—limited scholarships may be available)

registration: Please fill out below form (all the way down this page). Registration is complete with a prepayment of €75, the rest is payable after completion of the course.



The early birds discounts are paid in full in advance. The reason for this is (a) a benefit for you and (b) more secure planning for me

still from the last workshop (Sep-Oct 2024)

1 November 2024 - 3 January 2025:

Awake In Your Relationships ~ 10 Free Live Sessions On NVC | Insight Timer Live

Let's step into our power & co-create a more compassionate world--one interaction at a time.

Join me for 10 sessions--or any number you like--where I take you along in essential clarities & insights from the world of Nonviolent Communication (NVC). I like the sessions to be very interactive, so ask me anything anytime, and let's grow empathy and understanding together! What is Nonviolent Communication? NVC is the intention to see humanity in each other. It is the art of seeing conflict as a portal to connection. It is the skill to listen to guilt and shame with compassion and understanding. It is a sincere intention towards clarity and empathy. It is honesty, transparency, authenticity, and vulnerability. It is, in other words, what our planet could use right now.

Hope to see you there, Hans

Fridays - 2100-2130 CET

Cost: free of charge

Please note, the live session alerts tend to show up on Insight Timer a few days before the event date, so it is helpful to ‘follow’ me, so you are assured of receiving my events updates on Insight Timer!

Ongoing: the NVC Men’s Group

next dates are:

6 November 19:00 - 21:00 CET (with a special surprise guest!)

Ongoing: the NVC 4 dads group

next dates are:


Jan-Mar 2025 |

Awake In Your Relationships registration form